Preschoolers have to master a lot; colours, shapes, body parts, numbers or even opposites. Fortunately, Nosey the elf is here to help them with that! He is interested in everything around us and he‘s even keen to work in the garden! He will take the children to the theatre or shopping, he will go to a doctor’s appointment or to the kindergarten with them. As a reward, he will teach the children a new song and a fairytale on each page.
Contents: over 1 400 sounds and texts.
This book only works with the Tolki interactive talking pen. The Tolki pen is not included in the package! You can buy it separately here.
For the interactive talking pen to work properly, it is necessary to download the corresponding audio files, which are available free of charge at this site. The audio files must be first downloaded into your PC and then copied into the pen’s memory. Therefore, a computer is needed to complete the operation.
Version 1.0 - 05. 10. 2022
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Máte dotaz k produktu „Tolki - Learning with Fairytales EN“?
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Dobrý den, ano, jen je třeba do tužky stáhnout příslušný zvukový soubor k dané knize. Soubory naleznete zde: S pozdravem a přáním pěkného dne, Michaela Štěpánková, Albi
Hello, yes, it will. All you need is the Czech book and the Czech audio file. You can download all the Czech audio files for free ( Have a nice day, Michaela Štěpánková, Albi
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